Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Holi, in advance.

A very Happy Holi to everyone in advance. Going to my ancestral place for a vacation. :) :)

Here's something I made in GIMP.  :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Mr. Assistant Manager. Congrats. :)

Long way you've walked. In silence, loneliness, and dejection.

Now would be a good time?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Love, Forever

She looked beautiful. Although her mascara stained eyes told me she had cried, moments ago.

And then I see a shadow hiding in the dark. 

‘You look lovely’, I say, as we make way towards the restaurant. She smiles briefly, but doesn’t answer.

She doesn’t talk much, throughout the dinner. An unmindful soul, she has turned into.

On the platform, as we wait to catch the last train, I see a man coming towards us.

‘Go away.’ She cries out. ‘I don’t love you…’

The man keeps looking at her, with his watery eyes. He gets down in front of her on his knees. He murmurs, but doesn’t talk.

She covers her eyes and says those words again.

He’s a middle aged man, with dirty outfit and a rugged look on his face, begging something to her putting his hands together in front of him. 

‘I love this man now’ she points towards me, gasps in silence and continues to weep.

The December wind blows now. It brings the chills from the south and makes me shiver. The lonely platform is looking at me in surprise. The distant signal turns green now. Our train is coming.

I hold her hand and pull her towards me. She weeps, weeps hard.

The train enters the platform now.

I look at the man. He is still on his knees.

‘I am sorry. I really am. But it wouldn’t have worked between us.’ I touch her chin.

She looks at me in surprise.

‘I don’t love you. I never did’ I say, as I look into her eyes.

I board the train as she stands there, stranded. 

‘Go get your love.’ I shout to her, as the glass door shuts in front of me. 

Goodbye my love, forever. 

- March 3rd, '13.

Notes from a living room: 57

Will write hundred flash fictions, at a stretch.

Let's see how this plan pans out.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the pale enchanted gold.
The dwarves of yore made mightly spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For ancient king and elvish lord
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought, and light they caught
To hide in gems on hilt of sward.
On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.
Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeouns deep and caverns old
We must away, ere break of day,
To claim our long-forgotten gold.

Goblets they carved there for themselves
And harps of gold; where no man delves
There lay they long, and many a song
Was sung unheard by men or elves.
The pines were roaring on the height,
(The pines were roaring on the height)
The winds were moaning in the night,
The fire was red, it flaming spread;
(The fire was red, it flaming spread)
The trees like torches blazed with light.
The bells were ringing in the dale
( From: )

(The bells were ringing in the dale)
And men looked up with faces pale;
The dragon's ire more fierce than fire
(The dragon's ire more fierce than fire)
Laid low their towers and houses frail.

The mountain smoked beneath the moon;
(The mountain smoked beneath the moon)
The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.
They fled their hall to dying fall
(They fled their hall to dying fall)
Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.

Far over the misty mountains grim
To dungeons deep and caverns dim
We must away, ere break of day,
To win our harps and gold from him!

The pines were roaring on the height,
(The pines were roaring on the height)
The winds were moaning in the night,
The fire was red, it flaming spread;
(The fire was red, it flaming spread)
The trees like torches blazed with light.
The bells were ringing in the dale
(The bells were ringing in the dale)
And men looked up with faces pale;
The dragon's ire more fierce than fire
(The dragon's ire more fierce than fire)
Laid low their towers and houses frail.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Notes from a living room: 56

I have seen all kinds of bizarre things happening in life but not like this.

I was thinking about the answer of something. And then the answer came in. In the form of an FB post from a page.

I had returned to the usual question. 'Why had she said nothing to me? What could be the reason of her behavior?'

Everything happened so quickly yet calmly, I thought.. She remained as an epitome of silence. And why, nobody ever knew.

And then I saw the post from a page.

Of all the people who forget you over time, not all do it on purpose, not everybody deliberately wants to go out of touch, but circumstances change in certain ways at times, that they make people move away without them wanting to.

Don't feel bad or blame people for moving away from you. There may be reasons that they have, that you may not be aware of or may be too far to understand. Give them the benefit of doubt, and think happy things for them.
Maybe it wasn't destined
                                        But then again, there are questions that need answers.   

Why do we keep meeting, time and again?