Sunday, November 21, 2010

Parting ways...

She looked at me, emotionless.

Her mascara-stained eyes were as usual dark, applying extra depth in her face and character.

It was a shame that I couldn't tell her that I was going away, anyway.

The crowd kept making their way around us hurriedly.

"Maybe I should just go..." She gave her last smile, with every thought of meeting me again, unknowingly parting for a lifetime.

Her cream colored 'Pongol' saree kept getting hazier and at last disappeared from my watery eyes.

Nov '10


  1. Just love the second image..compliments your write up all the more..

    From your blog till thing is for show yourself quite like a hard and tough guy..And by these writing they come out to be the nut inside the shell :)

  2. Ya I think everyone has a soft part inside him/her.

    about the image, I love it too. :D

  3. wat is there about this pongol saree...i guess i read about it in 'smell' too...

  4. 'Pongol' is a very important saree. You'll know when you wear one. :) :)
