Monday, February 27, 2012

Check off your Bucket list

Alright, so this post is inspired from the thread in 'pagalguy' under the same heading, and I am inclined to submit my bucket list here.

Here it goes...

1. Who are you, what do you do...

Just a regular guy from Kolkata. Actually, pretty much less than a regular guy. Decided not to sit for campus interviews in the college, because I thought I would make it to a good b-school, turned out the other way. Sat for one year at home and prepared for exams and again CAT and other exams showed me the door. So as of now, gearing up for bank-p.o. exam and searching for IT jobs.

2. Some of your bucket list items...

Had many, since my school life. Listing a few...

a) Stay in a hostel.
b) Publish my own story.
c) Study engineering (yehwala bakwas hai. ajkal to har koi engg padta hai)
d)Do MBA (mar gaya yehwala achieve karne ke chakkar mein)
e)Do FPM (Bhagwan jane hoga ya nahi)
f)Learn another international language
g)Go to Canada.
h)To have a room for myself (okay, I never had a room for myself in life)
i)To learn violin.
j)To teach in a IIM (please don't groan. I know I am mad. )

3. What have you checked off your list, if any...

a, b, c, and f is done.

Stayed in N'pur R.K. Mission

TOI published my writings twice.

Studied engineering. (thik hai yaar main pagal hoon)

Have learnt Deutsch from Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata.

4. What are your next items on the list that you will be checking off...

Want to do MBA soon, really bad. I need this more than anything else.

5. Anything else that you would want to mention...

Staying in a few places, alone has taught me one thing, that whatever happens, I know I will do everything I want in my life. One day, I will live my life to the fullest.

Till then, I will keep fighting.

PS: Read the thread of psychodementia (Arun) at PG. Guy was genius. I am inspired, to say the least. But doing MBA from an international BSchool needs funding. We are talking about somewhere around forty lakhs. Need to sort out something, for sure.

So here is my bucket list number 11.

k) I will start working on my profile, contacts and other necessary things to look at, in order to gear up for something big. As Arun said, target big. You will end up having something decent.

Lots to write, about other things in life too. But confining this post to the wish list, for now.

-Feb 27th, '12

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