Saturday, December 25, 2021

Afterall, Delhi was not far

Current location: Delhi

Because, Delhi was not far. And for a lonely person to turn into even lonelier, what else can you think of?

Must be the gloomiest 25th December.

Silence. Loneliness. Darkness. Thou be my friend tonight. 🙂🙃

P. S.: I followed my star here. Rohini is the place I'm staying in. 😛


  1. Hey hi. Hope you are doing okay. Good to see your post after a long time. Still missing your stories. Will keep checking for the upcoming posts. Peace!

    1. Hi. Sorry I do not receive any notifications for comments now and hence the delay in spotting yoir comment. Yes, I'm doing good and busy with life, which has spinned me into northern part of India where I'm expecting to be for the next few years. Don't get much time for myself now let alone be stories. 😛Hope you're doing ok. A Doc now, I presume?
